How Get Rid Of Procrastination At Work With Productivity Tracking Software?

Productivity Tracking Software-

Chains of habits are too light to get felt until they are too heavy to break them. All of us know the feeling of managing the big to-do list along with imminent deadlines, and unfortunately missing them as you may be unknowingly wasting time in unproductive tasks, or scrolling social media.

Is this a similar thing that happens with you on a daily basis? It can get evaded by breaking up with your procrastination. 

Procrastination is considered the greatest productivity killers at work and it’s the thing that every year companies, entrepreneurs, and freelancers waste a huge amount of their time and money. According to the recent survey, procrastination leads to more than $650 billion loss in innovation and productivity every year. 

Even though it is the major epidemic we usually suffer from while measuring productivity, there are various actionable tips that you can implement easily. Some of the steps are, managing your workload, using the 1-3-5 bucket rule to manage tasks, etc., with user -friendly use of best employee productivity tracking software

But before starting with the solutions, let’s check why people procrastinate? 

If there’s one thing about procrastinating that’s it’s that no one wants to do it. You will consider very rarely someone who knowingly procrastinates. We do not realize, in most situations, that we lost our concentration at work until we start diverting to something else at work. 

As per various strategies, most of the people divert themselves to unproductive work to avoid unnecessary negative emotions that are associated with work. Now let’s check out what are the 5 techniques that can help you get out of these habits easily. 

Manage Your Workload

Manage Your Workload

Studies have shown that when people feel that the job they have to do is just too large to manage, they procrastinate. If this happens, all the other unimportant things lined up for later start taking priority, and the job that is to do takes a back seat.

Split the job down into smaller, more manageable tasks to avoid this from happening. It means taking and splitting large projects into smaller chunks of main tasks. You can also implement rules like 1-3-5 rule, in which you are ought to divide your tasks based on 1- major, 3- minor and 5-small tasks. 

It can be done using a productivity tracking software, using which you can add up your daily tasks, create notes and checklists as you want, and share them either privately or publicly.

Track Your Time Daily

Procrastination is a risky thing, because we don’t even know very frequently that it is happening. Think of all the times you use your phone every day for stuff that isn’t job related or start talking with a coworker.

One of the best hacks which could help you get over this is by tracking your daily tasks. The simplest way to do this is by using productivity tracking software. Installing these types of software with advanced features helps to keep a check on the user logs, along with the time invested in any particular site and applications. It also helps to differentiate between productive and non-productive hours. 

Thus, analyzing your daily tasks this way helps to remain productive even at the workplace or while working remotely

Schedule Your Work 

Schedule Your Work

I hope you understand how it feels when a day is devoid of order and foresight. You wake up, and ask yourself, “What will I do today? “And then you find yourself a todo list sliding from hour to hour without struggling.

One of the best ways to get out of the situation is to plan your schedule thoroughly a day before or night before after you are done with your work. Or you can also use a productivity scheduler that would help you to plan your tasks and manage your daily work as per your requirements. 

Have you found your solution? 

Procrastinating is a difficult thing to avoid, but if you build in your everyday life routines, opportunities and deadlines, you will find that your drive to work is stronger than ever. You are going to get a lot of work done in no time. Using productivity tracking software is one of the best things we could consider, but if you have any other tricks, then do share it in the comments section below. 

Wait! If you want to learn more, you can watch, vedio on:

How To Check Production Of Employees With EmpMonitor?


Check Out These 5 Qualities Of Good Employees While Hiring

quality 1

Employees are the building blocks of an organization. Hence if they are fabulous, they can help as upstairs to reach your organization at the peak, whereas if they are terrible, can drag down your business.

Therefore the selection of the workers needs to be performed very carefully at the time of hirings.

Warren Edward Buffett director and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway once said, in his conference, that- If you are looking to hire a person then must watch for these three qualities:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Capability.
  3. Strength.

Later, he also added that if any employee lacks the first quality, then the second two qualities are of no use. 

To focus a bright light on the qualities of good employees, we are here with the article by reading which you can find the best working force for your organization.

So let’s move to the next segment.

Top 5 attributes of a good employee’s:

Picking the right employee, from the pack is the same as picking the right spice for your dish, which if chosen wrong, can ruin the entire feast.

Hence while looking for the best employee, you have to be very careful and waste no time in picking those who have the qualities listed below:

  • Confidence

quality 2

Neither over nor under, however an individual with a moderate level of confidence will prove to be very helpful to your organization.

Since a confident one can handle the client and project much better than a hesitant one, they can give a high output to your company. Think if the person can impress you with their talk, they can influence the client also. Hence, a single confident employee is far better than 100 timid ones. Yes, it is true.  

  • Excellent leadership

quality 3

A CEO can not handle both customers and staff all by himself. Therefore, a person who can manage the team and also talk quite well to the client as the company’s representative will be required.

Finding a great team leader can help you to get a manager who can interact, motivate, and handle the team very smoothly.

  • Ambitious

quality 4


With a strong will to improve skills and knowledge, a person with great ambition applies their entire strength to achieve a goal for the company. 

They always strive to do their best in the job and therefore contribute to increasing an organization’s productivity. 

Plus, a person with great passion and enthusiasm can be proved as a source of creativity, ideas, and knowledge that can be proved beneficial for an organization to grow.

  • Humble

quality 5

Workplace is full of persons with different thought processes, hence possibilities of arising disputes are higher. 

In such a situation where the arrogant employee can ruin the workplace environment, the calm one can handle it with very patience. Trying to show their point with their work and intelligence and not with words.

  • Hardworking

quality 6

Hard work, along with consistency is the key to success. 

A person with great hardworking abilities can prove very beneficial for an organization. With their hard work, they can help the company to achieve great success. Plus, they can also come as helping hands, when your company is suffering from time lag and needs your extra time and effort to reach the goal.

How can a tool help you find all the above described qualities?


quality 7

Finding all the above qualities in an employee is not a single day’s work. You need to monitor the person for at least a week or 15 days in order to discover their hidden qualities. 

Since it’s not possible to map all the activities by a human, hence tools to measure employee quality work must be required.


  1. With its ability to capture Screenshots in every predefined interval, this tool can help you to obtain every single activity done by the user on the computer.
  2. It helps you to access an employee’s browsing history by tracking the opened website’s time and date.
  3. Give you the full insight of top used apps and highly visited websites seen by the user. 
  4. Provides detail of an employee’s login and logout time by segregating the time spent in breaks.

Time to wrap things:

Employees with honesty, hard work, and all other desired characteristics of good employees mentioned above can be proved as a goose with golden eggs for your organization. Hence, you need to be very careful while discovering the qualities of good employees

By implementing the right tool for this purpose, you can monitor every single moment of your employee without the chance of any interruption.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s go, grab the right tool, and make full use of it!


What Are The Advantages Of Using Employee Monitoring Software In Any Business?


At the end of this article, readers will be able to know why employee monitoring is important and what are the advantages of using it for any business. Also, you will be able to understand why businesses needs such monitoring software to look after the working of their employees.

Employees are the pillars, on which a company stands. Monitoring employees might sound like an action where a company watchdog its employees. But, there are numerous benefits that monitoring software can give to any organization along with the growth of the employees.

An employer must know what their employees are doing while in their office hours. While employee surveillance is questionable most of the times, people overlook the perks that it brings for the whole business. Here, we will throw light on those benefits that are genuine and works well for the employee’s betterment.

  • Better client management
Client Management

A business has to prioritize their clients to grow significantly. When an employee keeps a record of client details manually, the probability for errors occurs the most. Monitoring software improves the accuracy of billings, which is vital for any business. One should always keep this in mind that even a small mistake can affect the relationship with the client, and they might shift to other business that is similar to your services.

  • Measure employee output


Monitoring software gives you the capability to evaluate their employee’s performance and quantifying their output. In this way, management also gets the idea to assign projects by examining the efficiency of any employee. For instance, if an employee performs below average for the assigned project, management should seek another employee as well who can do it better.

  • Submission of feedback
Customer Feedback

Feedback becomes mandatory at the time salary, appraisal, or work promotion. With efficient monitoring equipment, you can collect valuable data to give proper feedback. Rather than speaking about employees achievement, or announcing their performance, it’s worth giving their feedback in a written form with provision of appreciation (monetary or non-monetary).

  • Monitor employees from anywhere.
Employee Monitoring Software

Though you want to keep an eye on your employee’s activities is not possible. For surveillance, you can put the camera in the place where it is allowed, but that’s not sufficient. Employee Monitoring software helps you in keeping an eye on your employees from any corner of the world. It’s also a great way of managing ongoing projects and passing on instructions to accomplish objectives on time.

What Benefits did Employee Monitoring Software bring For Employees?

1. Save employees from penalties.


Employees might unintentionally reveal the company’s data while sharing other details. When it comes to a company’s security concern, some strict policies are there that result in imposing penalties on them. Surveillance makes them work sincerely without any work negligence.

2. Support employees during the annual increment.


If your employees willing to receive salary appraisal? Don’t worry! Monitoring software makes it easy for the manager to analyze performance. The only thing you need to do is try to give your best for the company.

3. Helps them in distinguishing their personal life from professional.


An ideal employee is one who knows how to separate his/her personal life from professional. It’s not a good act of trying to access your accounts at the workplace. Since monitoring software keeps an eye on employees, they focus on their work.


Businesses should not behave harshly with their employees. Before implementing monitoring software, conduct a session to educate employees with the benefits comes within. Moreover, let them keep their opinion as well.


What is Employee Monitoring App? How Does It Benefits Organizations?


A Business established to increase productivity, gain more profit and, build goodwill in the business world. When it comes to the employees, it becomes mandatory for an organization to track their workplace activities. Before the rise in technology, traditional eye keeping method was prevalent, but now, several compelling software and employee monitoring apps have made it easier to accomplish the goal of employees supervision without letting them know.

With so many efficient options available out there, it’s genuine for the businesses to get confused while making a better selection for one of the best monitoring apps or tool. To reduce their trouble, we have brought out this article that contains information about top software existing in the marketplace.


Moni Task

Monitask might seem to be pretty unfamiliar to the businesses as it’s new. The tool is an ultimate solution to your business needs such as time-tracking, monitoring log-in logout time of employees, capturing screenshots in between the ongoing work and also let you keep an eye on internet activities.

Apart from the workplace assistances, Monitask let you check the reliability of apps that your employees or freelancers use for production. It helps you to switch services from apps that are no more productive and on the other side, give you the freedom to choose better apps.


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This monitoring software has all the features we discussed above in the context of Monitask. Right from preparing employees attendance track sheet to analyzing their internet activities, EmpMonitor can perform tasks like a pro. The best part about this software is, you can continue achieving the business goals without the fear of losing data.

To use this, you don’t need to be an expert as the site itself tells you details on how to use it. With the advantage of real-time monitoring, you can point out mistakes instantly to rectify them on time.


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Kickidler is configured to trace your employee’s desktop activities. Based on your preference, you can delegate access to authorized staff members who ensure the smooth running of the organization. Since you want employees to give their 100% to the company’s progress, there must be a cooperative working environment including of proper refreshment period.

Kickidler will give you full control to see the ongoing activities that avoid unnecessary activities to occur at the workplace. For a company that performs most of its task online, it can cost when they overlook the steps to watchdog employee’s online engagement. Regardless of the hardworking employees, there might be some fellows who can misuse internet services.


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This monitoring app focuses on time management. It makes sure whether employees complete their work on time and monitor their overall activities. Moreover, the app submits daily, weekly, or monthly reports (based on your preferences) that includes statistics right from their login, logout to work activities. Similar to the top tools, here also, you can look into the employee’s desktop with complete transparency.

Here are the benefits of employee monitoring software to the organization.

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Employee monitoring doesn’t mean snatching employee’s freedom of working. Not only the employer, but surveillance also prove profitable for the employees. Being an ideal employer, you must tell your associated members about the perks that come with monitoring apps. For organization, the apps work to improve productivity, bring flow in the working and, let the employees bear the responsibility.

At the time of the annual general meeting, employers feel it easy to determine an employee capable of receiving best employees award. Though control sounds negative, the act has high value among the industries. Even if, you run employee monitoring software, try to make a cordial relationship with the employee. In this way, the employees feel appreciated to work in a better way.

How to select an efficient monitoring app?

The present market flooded with a lot of monitoring apps, and all of them claim to give the best services. To choose the best, you check its working through the free trial session available for the buyers.

The trial session lasts up to three to four days in most of the cases. And, this much of time is sufficient to help you in making a good selection. Combine our tips with your analysis to pick up an app for a superior experience.

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04 Management Practices To Improve Employee Productivity

Management Practices To Improve Employee Productivity

Profit of any organization depends completely on the way how it performs. Organizations should know the right way to transform their raw material into finished products at minimum production cost. And as we know that employee proficiency is vital for a successful business! That’s why it is crucial to know first what it is all about.

Before discussing different strategies to increase productivity, It’s better to know the definition of”Employee Proficiency” first.

Employee proficiency, sometimes also referred to workforce productivity, is the evaluation of the capability of an employee or a team of employees. Well, proficiency can be assessed with regard to the outflow of a worker in a particular time. If a worker is happy does his work with all his dedication and efforts, then your company can surely reach to the success peak. 

Given below are the 05 important techniques to build employee proficiency in the work environment and to promote engagement.

  • Furnish your group with the correct tools

Remember, the ability of your team is important for the performance of your business, but the tools they will use in their work are going to play a huge role. Picking up the right software will make their work much easier, and will lead to a smooth workflow.

  • Encourage your co-workers by showing your admiration.

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First step:

Make a workplace where employees will have fun while doing their work.


  • Help them by propelling them in the right manner.
  • Know their achievements and efforts.

Just keep one thing in mind, a person loves his work more than anything else, when he gets appreciated by his seniors for his work! Similarly, if you want your employees to give your company the best, then don’t forget to admire their work.

In this way, people will work with all their efforts and will try to improve a lot more.

  • Developing a powerful team is important!

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People seek for having a great connection! So, building up a powerful team is vital.

We all are aware that the pathway to happiness is building social connection. And the best way to speed up your social media connection is to build up a strong team.

Having a strong bond with your team will help you take your business to the success peak.

  • Set up an employee monitoring system

Employee Productivity
Employee Productivity

So, it is the startup point, where you need to set up a monitoring tool at your place for all your employees.

I know you must be wondering why this, right! Well, by doing this you will be able to get a complete record about the different things, like for how many hours in a day, your employees are working!

Different tools like the most popular one EMPMonitor, with the help of it you can easily manage all the computers in your company by just sitting at a place. By doing this, you can know about the productivity hour of your employees, and can deal with increasing your Employee Productivity.

  • Give support to your employees, when it is genuinely needed

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If you want your employees to give your company more, then first you need to appreciate their work and provide all your support to them.

Well, what does an employee want? Support, trust, and freedom! Right?

Having management’s support will help your employees to work hard, and they will also feel happy to work in your company.


Employee proficiency matters a lot, and if you want your company to gain success, then you need to know your employee’s interests, and choices, and then act accordingly. So, read out this article carefully and get updated with the tips to increase the productivity level of your employees.